Saving Saddleworth Church - 'Seeing is Believing' Project
Saving Saddleworth Church
The historic grade 2* listed church of Saddleworth St Chad located in Uppermill, the unique and iconic ‘cathedral in the hills’ may have little option but to close its doors within 10 years unless the local community can raise £1 million. The church receives no statutory funding and is entirely dependent on donations and legacies.
A recent application for Heritage Lottery funding was unsuccessful. Applications to other grant-funding bodies are ongoing. The parish of Uppermill and the community of Saddleworth now have an opportunity to work together to find ways for St Chad’s Parish Church to be restored for future generations.
An architect’s report in 2016 highlighted major issues with the roof and windows. There is also a desire to reorder the internals of the building to create a more flexible space for concerts, conferences, exhibitions, heritage crafts, educational and civic events as well as for the continuing worshipping Christian presence which lies at its heart.
“Anecdotally we hear from the community of Saddleworth how precious they feel St Chad’s church is, and how significant it remains within the life and heritage of this area. Generations of Saddleworth families have been baptised, married and buried up at ‘St Chads’. There has been a church on the site for over 800 years. It’s presence is woven into the history of the community. The reality is, however, that unless individuals, businesses and other supporters donate substantial sums, the building is unsustainable and sadly nearing the end of its life,” said Reverend Canon Sharon Jones, Team Rector of Saddleworth. “We believe St Chad’s Parish Church has a future. We are hopeful that the community feels the same and can help.”
You are invited to donate to the ‘Seeing is Believing’ project using one of the following methods:
Standing Order;
Internet Banking.
Standing Order
Please download, print and complete the form. Please check the contents of the form and ensure that it is signed and dated. The completed form can be sent direct to your bank or posted as directed on the form.
Please consider completing a Gift Aid form to boost your donation.
Internet Banking
If you prefer to make a direct payment into our bank account using Internet Banking, BACS, or other direct payment methods you will require the following information.
Sort Code: 09-01-53
Account Name: Parish of St. Chad, Saddleworth
Account No: 19373282
Please consider completing a Gift Aid form to boost your donation.
Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer you may be able to boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate. We can reclaim Gift Aid from the tax you pay for the current tax year.
Please download, print and complete the form. The completed Gift Aid form must be posted as directed on the form.
“Seeing is Believing presents us with both a challenge and a great opportunity for all who value the past to demonstrate our sense of responsibility for all we have inherited. It is an enterprise for the whole Saddleworth community towards being a viable, inclusive, accessible and welcoming church for this and future generations.”