Christ Church Denshaw
About Us
Christ Church Denshaw is located in a prominent position in the picturesque village of Denshaw. It is the heart of the village and is one of the nine worship centres within the Church of England in Saddleworth. Denshaw is the smallest of the Saddleworth villages and boasts a village hall which is regularly used by the church for Sunday School, fundraising events and church council meetings.
Our services are very traditional and we are proud to use the Book of Common Prayer and the King James Bible at the majority of the services. Our services are very well-attended and people enjoy the welcoming and relaxed environment. Morning Prayer and Evensong services are sung and are sometimes adapted for special services. Refreshments are served after morning services.
There is a strong Sunday School which meets during term time and joins the service from 11:00am. We also have strong links with the school who use the church for their weekly assembly on Fridays at 9:15am; parents and visitors are always welcome.
How to find us
Christ Church Denshaw, Huddersfield Road, Denshaw, Saddleworth, OL3 5SB
Regular Services
1st Sunday
9:30am Holy Communion with Sunday School §
2nd Sunday
9:30am Holy Communion with Sunday School §
3rd Sunday
9:30am Holy Communion with Sunday School §
4th Sunday
9:30am Service of the Word with Sunday School §
5th Sunday
9:30am Holy Communion with Sunday School §
§ Sunday School is held in the Parish Hall