Church School Admission Information
Signing of Church Attendance Register & Church School Application Forms
(Message posted July 2023)
The Church Attendance Register requires that attendance is counted annually for every child and signed off by clergy and a parent/carer each year.
The following dates are offered for you to bring your child’s Church Attendance Register for signing off attendance for the year 2022/2023 and for the completion of school forms, if appropriate:
Friday 22nd September @ 6:00pm to 8:00pm;
Saturday 23rd September @ 10:00am to 12 noon;
Saturday 30th September @ 10:00am to 12 noon.
Please attend on one of the dates at St Chad Saddleworth Parish Centre, Lee Street, Uppermill, OL3 6HQ.
Signing of Church Attendance Register & Church School Application Forms
(Message posted July 2022)
The new Church Attendance Register requires that attendance is counted annually for every child and signed off by clergy and a parent/carer each year.
As the new system was only introduced during late 2021, attendance in years prior to 2021/2022, and up until the introduction of the new system, will need to be signed off by the following clergy (see page 14 headed ‘Details of Previous Attendance’) before you come to the signing in September :
St Thomas Delph: Reverend Canon Sharon Jones;
Christ Church Denshaw: Reverend Philip Williamson;
Holy Trinity Dobcross: Reverend Canon Sharon Jones;
Christ Church Friezland: Reverend Mike Donmall;
St Mary Greenfield: Reverend Barbara Christopher ;
St Anne Lydgate: Reverend Pat Gillian;
St Chad Saddleworth - Parish Church: Reverend Canon Sharon Jones;
St Chad Saddleworth - Kilngreen Church: Reverend Canon Sharon Jones .
The following dates are offered for you to bring your child’s Church Attendance Register for signing off attendance for the year 2021/2022 and for the completion of school forms, if appropriate:
Friday 16th September @ 6:00pm to 8:00pm;
Saturday 17th September @ 10:00am to 12 noon;
Saturday 24th September @ 10:00am to 12 noon.
Please attend on one of the dates at St Chad Saddleworth Parish Centre, Lee Street, Uppermill, OL36HQ.
School attendance recording for
The Blue Coat School, The Brian Clarke Academy and Crompton House
(Message posted September 2021)
Families attending worship in Saddleworth Churches will, by the end of October, receive an attendance ‘stamp book’. Each attendance will be date stamped each time they attend. Parents and children will each receive a stamp. It will be the sole responsibility of the family to keep the book safe for five years. The churches will no longer be keeping separate registers and are not responsible should the book be lost. Previous years’ attendance will be kept. Whichever church is attended each week, families are responsible for bringing the book with them for each child.
There are many church services during the week - Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings and midweek on Wednesdays at 6:00pm at St Anne Lydgate and Thursdays at 6:00pm at Christ Church Friezland.
Parents and children are expected to arrive on time and not leave before the end. It is for families to prioritise worship and find one of the many times on offer when they and the children can come and participate fully from beginning to end.
We look forward to welcoming you.
Canon Sharon Jones
Rector of Church of England in Saddleworth
Information regarding School Attendance Points
(Message posted April 2021)
The churches of Saddleworth are presently not recording attendance of children at any church services - physical or online. We are not intending to recommence the registers until September 2021.
We understand the concern of parents, but capacity and cleaning issues presently limit what we can safely offer. Should we be able to restart our children’s worship before September, notice will be put on this website and circulated via social media.
Revd Canon Sharon Jones
Rector of Church of England in Saddleworth
Information regarding entry for September 2021
(Message posted August 2020)
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to churches – and indeed other places of worship – being closed for public worship since lockdown was implemented in mid-March. From 4th July 2020, churches have been permitted to reopen for public worship but have to do so in a COVID-secure way following the guidance issued by the national church.
The decision to reopen our churches in our benefice rests with the clergy team and each Parochial Church Council. This introduces limitations on numbers of parishioners who can attend worship, and changes to service patterns and services.
This information is provided as a central repository of information about variances to the Church School Admissions.
Signing of Church School Application Forms
Church School Application Forms will be signed by clergy on the following dates and times:
Saturday 5th September @ 9:30am - 11:00am
Saturday 12th September @ 9:30am - 11:00am
Saturday 19th September @ 9:30am - 11:00am
Monday 21st September @ 6:30pm - 8:30pm
All these sessions will take place upstairs at St Chad Saddleworth - Parish Centre, Station Road, Uppermill, OL3 6HQ
Statement from Crompton House School
“The Governors of Crompton House Church of England School have determined that there will be no change to the admission arrangements for entry to year 7 in September 2021. The process for over subscription will be as stipulated in the admissions policy and supplementary form.
The over subscription criteria for establishing faith-based points (criteria 4, 5 and 7) is based on the number of years attending a public place of worship and the frequency of that attendance.
With the closure of places of worship because of COVID-19, all faith-based applications in each criteria are affected in the same way with reduced attendance. The calculation of average attendance, of the attendances divided by the number of years attending, will not give advantage or disadvantage to any particular applicant. All faith-based applicants will have the same break period of attendance from 17th March 2020 (commencement of lockdown) until 1st September 2020 pending any further periods of lockdown.
In signing the supplementary form, faith leaders are requested to include only actual attendances prior to the closure of places of worship and take no account of the period from 17th March 2020 - 31st August 2020.
All other over-subscription criteria (criteria 1, 2, 3, 6 and 8) are unaffected by the Coronavirus pandemic. “